Hur vi ska orka hålla i träningen & få energi under höst & vintermånaderna?

How we can manage to keep up the training & gain energy during the autumn & winter months?

Slowly but surely, it is getting darker outside, and the days may feel shorter. One might feel more tired, and the thought of lying on the couch with a warm blanket and a cup of hot drink may be more tempting than ever.

At the same time, the feeling of shame creeps in because you know that you should really get started with the training, but the energy just isn't there. So how do you keep your energy up and how can we manage to maintain our training during the autumn and winter months?

We want to share 4 tips with you who wish for more energy and strength during this fantastic season ahead of us.

  1. All movement counts. Why not go for a lovely walk instead? Getting out in the fresh air and catching the sunlight, which is important now during autumn and winter, can give you both energy and movement for your body. Or maybe you feel like starting a favorite song and dancing while preparing a delicious and nutritious dinner? Exercise doesn't have to mean that you have to sweat and train hard all the time for it to count. A little is better than nothing, and all everyday movement is significant for your well-being.
  2. Kosten. What you eat can be significant for your daily energy. Reviewing your diet and maximizing your intake of fruits, vegetables, and Superfood that provides you with important vitamins and minerals for the autumn and winter, can increase your well-being and provide both energy and good conditions to maintain your training. Protein is important to include in the diet, especially during training and muscle building, our organic Protein Power contains 100% natural ingredients, and is suitable for you who train or when you want to increase your intake of Organic protein. Read more about why protein is important, here!
  3. Choose the movement that brings you joy. Training should be fun and give you good energy, so ask yourself which form of exercise brings you joy. If you don't already know, you might consider trying different types of movement? Perhaps yoga, pilates, or walking is what suits you. Or maybe it's high-intensity running, group training, or the gym that is your thing. Dare to try something new, and don't feel tied to just one type of exercise. Variety can be fun and invigorating.
  4. Recovery. It can be easy to skip recovery when you're in a good flow of training and diet. You might even feel that you're not performing well enough if you take a rest day. But to avoid overtraining or potential injuries, you should allow yourself time for recovery. It is just as important. Perhaps now is the time to try doing a guided meditation instead? 

      Dear reader, try to think that you are doing it for yourself, so that you feel good and because you deserve to take care of yourself.

      By eating a nutrient-rich and vitamin-rich diet, adding some form of everyday movement or exercise that brings you joy, your reward will be feeling good and energized. 

      The power is within you!


      When time is short, try our recipe for a nutritious quick lunch with our organic Protein Power!


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